Spring-RCP Snapshots Available

Ryan Sonnek bio photo By Ryan Sonnek

I’ve been putting in a fair amount of work lately on two spring-rcp applications for shard. One is for managing all customizable d20 data, and the other is a character generator. Shard is built using maven, and since spring-rcp does not have any published artifacts (or snapshots), it’s been a bit of a pain to integrate the applications into my build process.

To solve this problem, I decided to publish CVS snapshots of spring-rcp on my public maven repository. Anyone interested in developing a spring-rcp application with maven can simply update their list of repositories to include my server.


#repository settings

I’ve also included other dependencies that spring-rcp required to get my applications up and running. These dependencies weren’t available at ibiblio. If there is not a release sometime soon of spring-rcp, I may continue to publish updated CVS snapshots from time to time.