The Archives
Graph Visualizer of Team Topology
Scaling Product Strategy with V2OOO
Hide Self-View Firefox Extension
The Commit Cycle
A Journey of Continuously Improving Platform Quality
My #NoShameNovember Story
My innerwork journey with performance reviews
Git eXcited
Using pry-remote to debug within Vagrant VM
Automatically prefix email subject with Rails env
Best Practices: Testing Rails controllers with RSpec
Detect and Respect CSS Selector Limits
Bundler Updater Gem
Using Rails Migrations to Manipulate Data
Optimized Development Workflow
Startup Words of Wisdom
The Toolbox Bundler Group
Continuous Integration for Rails Apps from Day One
Maintainable RSpec Helper
Rspec Lintable Matcher
Jasmine Dynamic Fixtures
Replace Rake with Thor
Bundler Reorganizer
iPhoto Backup Gem
Cooking OSX Machines with Kitchenplan
Sublime Text Spec Focuser Plugin
FactoryGirl RSpec Traits
Optimistic Feedback for Improved User Experiences
Homesick for Managing Dotfiles
Adios Blogger. Hello Jekyll!
A New Day
Backgrounded 2.0 Beta
Bundler Nirvana With Custom Groups
Rails console tweaks gem
callback_skipper for faster factories
Cron Backgrounded Resque Jobs
Cleaner RSpec/FactoryGirl Integration
Guard JSLint on Rails Released!
JSLint Rails Javascript Responses
Email Preview + Transactions and Factories
Realtime Search: Solr vs Elasticsearch
Multitenant Ruby Gem
Stay Connected with the ensure_connected gem
Send Mail with Backgrounded Mail
The 3 E's of Engineering
Anatomy of an Effective Unit Test
Backgrounded Class Methods
New Relic + Backgrounded + Resque = Awesome
Advanced Backgrounded Configuration
Backgrounded Resque Support
email_preview Rails Plugin
Zillow Google Chrome Extension
Rails "Good Touch"/"Bad Touch"
Improvements for apn_on_rails
Mailinator Google Chrome Extension
#airfail for HTML Developers
AIR Lightweight Windows Steal Focus By Default
Delicious Google Chrome Extension
Batch Javascript Execution
The Closure Taste Test
To Github We Go!
jQuery DOM Manipulation Performance
Rails Fail with Unicode JSON
Backgrounded ActiveRecord Callbacks
CSS Sentences with jQuery fallback
Twitter Style Alerts In Rails
Text Truncation With CSS/SASS/Javascript
Rails Tips: Default Page Content
Continuous Deployment for Rails
Backgrounded 0.3.0 Released
Socialcast Developer API Released
jQuery Snazzy Select Plugin
The End of Adobe AIR
Backgrounded - Background Processing Done Right
notify_if_invalid Plugin Released
Testing is a Roadblock
Adios JRoller
acts_as_stripped Now Available
CSS Sentences
Monitoring workling/starling queue with GOD
Unit Test Valid SASS
Simple Themes With SASS
Zillow Ubiquity Plugin
The Science Of Random
Real Love
3 keys to decision making
The Quest for Correct Content Types
Giving is a gift
Every Choice is the Culmination of Your Life
Fork it up - assert valid markup
Fork it up - CSS Browser Selectors
Life Motto (3)
Life Motto (2)
My Strongest Strength
Life Motto
Fork it up - acts_as_state_machine
Delicious Ubiquity Command
Ubiquity is Like Crack
The End Of Dependency Injection
Recent Shard Developments
API Exploration
Testing Managed Objects
Say It. Do It. Prove It!
Open Wide
Time To Toss the Cargo
Consume RSS Feeds Within Wicket
Using Maven For Classpath Isolation
Wicket Users Group Twin Cities
Choosing a Java Web Framework
Wicket Client Side Validation
Personal Productivity
Revamped Drag and Drop for Scriptaculous
Requesting Java Launcher
Webstart Report Now Available
Deploy Maven Webstart Projects
New Maven Webstart Plugin
Shard Cyclops Demo Available
Wicket Wonderland
Still Swinging
Scriptaculous 1.8 Release
NFJS Conference
Maven TestDox Updates
Static Finders in Java
Wicket FeedResource
Official Testdox Maven Plugin Release
Wicket and RSS Feeds
Performance Testing using JUnit
Wicketstuff-Hibernate Updates
From Components To Behaviors
Updated Wicketstuff-Scriptaculous Project
Hibernate Annotations and Wicket
TestDox Maven Plugin
JRoller Is The Suck
Test Driven Death
HSQLDB Datasource
Hibernate LoadAll Feature
Fuel to the Fire
Wicket Scriptaculous 0.1.1 Release
Wicket FeedPage
Wicket Sortable Container
Wicket Scriptaculous Snapshot Release
Just Push It
Don't Talk To Your Neighbor's Neighbor
Mutating Methods
The Poor Man's Apple
Oh JSP, How I Hate Thee
Rename JUnit Tests When Refactoring
Wizard Validation
More Javascript Helpers
Wicket AjaxEditInPlaceLabel
RegEx Helper
Burn the Feed
Spring Rich Client Browser Launcher
Spring SpecificApplicationEventListener
How Prototype Can Break Your Site
No Save For You!
Is It REALLY Empty?
Humane Object Iteration
Spring Rich Event Processing Bus
Music Samples Online
Crazy Command Composition
Maven2 Eclipse Plugin Tips
JDirectoryChooser Binding for Spring Richclient
When Will The Hurting Stop?
Preview Release of Shard Minotaur
More Dynamic For Your Static
Ruby Syntax For Java Maps
JRoller Issues
Simple CSS Builder
What The $
Prevent Caching of Javascript Files
Business Analysts are a Crutch
Purpose Of Validation
Running Code Doesn't Lie
Performance Is Overrated
Two Forms For The Price Of One
Clear API
The Curse Of Passion
Preview Multiple Levels of Components
Wicket Preview With One Javascript
Auto Previewable Wicket Pages
Previewable Wicket Pages
Spring-RCP/JTaskPane Promoted To L2FProd
No Need For Flock
Integrate JTaskPane With Spring-RCP
Seperate Artifacts For Seperate Dependencies
Fun With Drag and Drop
Contextual Tasks
Template Versus Strategy Pattern
Website Design Guide
More Intuitive Search
Value Beyond Being Better
Flock Rocks
Shard: A Call For Support
Maven2 Delivers
Beyond Spring RCP
Javascript AOP
The Real World
Things I Don't Appreciate
Untested Equals Broken
Words of Wisdom
Indicator While Processing
Wicket Drag/Drop Components
Choice Is Good
Autocomplete More Than Just Text
Wicket Autocomplete Text Field
AJAX Added to Wicket-Stuff
Simple Hibernate Search Engine
Spring-RCP Manifest Application Descriptor
Web Development Done Right
Matisse Is Miles Behind
IE Must DIE!
Actions Speak Louder Than Words
Deploying Webstart Apps with Maven
D20 Computer Gaming
SuSE Wireless Woes
SuSE 9.1 USB Wireless Configuration
Code Investment
SwingFX for Spring-RCP
New Eclipse 3.1 Features
Spring-RCP Snapshots Available
Swingwork to Springwork?
IDE Competition is Good
Mocking java.lang.Object methods
Spring Versus The World
The Folly of Multilanguage Development
Combining Project Support Tools
SNAPSHOT acceptance
Spring's Biggest Benefit
First Class Tools
The Re-Re-Release
Spring Web Flow
Localization Terminology
Hibernate by Hand
XDoclet2 Downfall
Early Optimization
Spring Bloat
Maven and XDoclet2
JSP Late Binding
Document Code With Units Of Work
JSP is a Joke
- CVS problems
Obsession with Hosting Javadocs
Lego Applications
Font Chooser for Swing
Webwork over Spring MVC
Scarab Squashed?
Developing a New Strategy
Hacking OpenSource
Intrusive Frameworks
The Two Faces of JSP
Conventional Class Names
fedora core 2 network issues
Validate object contents against database structure
d20 gaming engine
Bad Beta Software
No JSR for SWT
Oracle Toy Store
JDK Source Code in Eclipse
The Oracle Foolset
Eclipse and Test Driven Development
Storing JARS in CVS
Maximized Abstraction By Dual Implementation
SwingWork: XWork integrated with Swing
Top 12 Things A Klingon Programmer Would Say
Cygwin Contradiction
Clearing JBoss' Authentication Cache
Why Opensource Exists
Eclipse Visual Editor
Next Generation Reporting System
Live Income
Slave to the Swing Visual Editor?
Human Compilers
Code Templates vs. Code Generation
Cell Phones and Stupid People
Security Administration Frustration
Down with BI systems
Feature Driven Development
My first blog