RSpec is a great testing library and there are are literally a ton of useful libraries that integrate with your RSpec test suite. Within a few minutes of bootstraping a new RSpec test suite, I typically add in a standard set of gems for enhanced productivity (ex: factory_girl, webmock, vcr, timecop, etc).
The vast majority of libraries are straightforward to integrate into your project, and only require a few steps:
- add the gem to your
- require the library in your
- [optional] configure the library as necessary
It doesn’t take long for your nice concise spec_helper.rb
file to evolve into a
bloated, monolithic list of require statements and snippets of configuration code
for each library. My eyes bleed everytime I run across a file like this.
How do we unwind this mess?
Rails has long used config/initializers
as a simple and elegant way to extract snippits of configuration code into their
own files and avoid globbing everything into one massive config/application.rb
file. Can we apply a similar pattern to RSpec?
Guess what?! RSpec already has this pattern built in! The spec/support
directory is automatically loaded by RSpec and is essentially equivalent to
Here’s a simple example for how to load and configure the VCR gem
into your RSpec environment without modifying your spec_helper.rb
# spec/support/vcr.rb
require 'vcr'
VCR.configure do |c|
c.cassette_library_dir = 'spec/fixtures/vcr_cassettes'
c.hook_into :webmock
Under the Covers
How does RSpec actually do it? There’s no real magic to it at all. By default, every
file is generated with this one hook that automatically loads
all Ruby files within the spec/support
# spec/spec_helper.rb
# this line loads all your ruby files from spec/support
Dir[Rails.root.join("spec/support/**/*.rb")].each { |f| require f }
So, the next time you add a new gem to your test suite, resist the temptation
to modify your spec_helper.rb
. Instead, create a new file in spec/support
and perform your standard require
statement and any relevant configuration there!
Enjoy the organizational #protip and drop me a line if you have any other tricks!